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3,411 students in one day: Library Snapshot Day


Edmonds College library
One day at Edmonds College library included 1,162 logins on library computers.

Edmonds College participated in “Snapshot: One Day in the Life of Washington’s Libraries” on April 12. This statewide project gathered statistics, stories, and photographs to illustrate the importance of libraries for Washington’s citizens.

“Libraries, both physical and virtual, are important because they connect people with information, services and resources to help them improve and enrich their lives. Comments from our students clearly show how integral the library is to their academic success,” said Edmonds College Learning Resources Director Lauri Kram, who helped organize the event at state community and technical college libraries.

On April 12, in the college’s busy library there were students using the computer labs, asking for help at the reference desk, checking out textbooks, viewing videos, participating in information literacy classes, studying quietly, or working in study groups. The day showed the range of work that takes place at the library.

Shana Wilson, a pre-nursing student, checked out a microscope on reserve for her Human Anatomy and Physiology class. Art students Shayne Ryan and Will Wade were drawing figures by the reference desk.

Transfer student Breanna Curl and business management student Marcus Gray were researching on the computers.

Yaseen Al-Haddad, who is studying environmental science, sought help from college reference librarian Johnetta Moore.

And Chen Xi, an international student working on high school completion, was looking at books.

"The library and staff rocks!” said Edith Castellon, Edmonds College student.

Library Snapshot Days are part of a national effort aimed at bringing attention to library services in their communities organized by the American Library Association, http://www.ala.org.

One day at Edmonds College library included:

• 3,411 students entering the library

• 1,162 logins on library computers

• 325 items checked out

• 87 searches of full-text, research databases

• 63 reference questions asked and answered

• 85 computer questions asked and answered

• 36 students attending Information Literacy classes

• 552 photocopies

• 459 hits on the library homepage

What students say about the Edmonds College library:

“I noticed a lot of the new college courses require a computer because they are hybrid. I absolutely could not get through college without this library.” — Dulce Sebald

“Textbooks are expensive – so the books on reserve help out a lot until you can save up to buy the textbooks.” — Kacie Hankins

“I use the library five days a week. For homework, studying, computers (school and entertainment). I probably spend 15 hours a week in the library.” — Joe Winston

“Here at Edmonds CC we have a wide variety of resources to help us including but not limited to plenty of computers, online resources, quiet sitting areas, books and one on one help.” — Brandy Bostic

“The books on reserve are very helpful and I love the study quiet area on the 4th floor.” — Genine Lopez

“Love the environment, great for socializing quietly or hard study time when needed. Calm, relaxed, and friendly staff. Very comfortable setting.” — Michae Jones

Did you know? Edmonds College’s library:

• offers online chat research help around the clock to students by participating in Ask a Librarian, /library/contact/ask.php;

• has more than 150 computers, including 8 laptops available for check-out to students;

• has textbooks available for use in the library;

• has created 66 LibGuides, http://edcc.libguides.com/, customized, online guides to quality research resources; and

• is open seven days a week.

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Edmonds College Library