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College-Sponsored Benefits FOR ELIGIBLE eMPLOYEES

At Edmonds College, we provide a comprehensive benefits package to eligible employees. With programs that include health and wellness, insurance, retirement, education and training, and more, our benefits are among the best in the area.

Medical Insurance

Th College offers a wide variety of health, life and other insurance benefits that allow eligible employees to choose the coverage best suited to their needs and their families' needs. More detailed information can be found at the Public Employee Benefits Board (PEBB).


Edmonds College offers retirement options for eligible employees.

Faculty, Administrative and Exempt Employees

Washington State Department of Retirement Systems

PERS (Public Employee Retirement Systems) or TRS (Teachers Retirement System) Plan 3 Retirement Plans

Washington Teachers Retirement System

Public Employees' Retirement System

The PERS/TRS 3 plans are a two-part, hybrid retirement plan that combines a traditional pension plan, where your receive a defined benefit at retirement, with investment options that work like a typical retirement plan, such as a 401(k).

Both parts of the PERS/TRS 3 retirement plans play a significant role in your income at retirement.

With the defined benefit part of the plans, you’re guaranteed a monthly benefit for the rest of your life once you meet the plans requirements and retire.

With the defined contribution part of the plans, you invest part of each paycheck into a retirement fund. When you retire, the amount you earn depends on the performance of your investments.

State Board Retirement Plan (SBRP)-Administered by TIAA

State Board Retirement Plan (SBRP)

The State Board Retirement Plan (SBRP) is a tax-deferred defined (401(a) Retirement Plan) contribution plan that helps you save for retirement. Eligible employees can start participating in the SBRP on their first day of employment in an eligible appointment.

Your employer helps you save even more for retirement by providing 100 percent matching funds to your contributions. Both the employer and employee contributions are immediately vested, and the plan is 100 percent portable if you move between participating employers or leave the community and technical college system.

Classified Employees

Washington State Department of Retirement Systems

Public Employees' Retirement System

PERS 2 Retirement Plan

The Public Employees’ Retirement System Plan 2 (PERS 2) is a traditional, defined-benefit pension plan — when you meet plan requirements and retire, you’re guaranteed a certain monthly income for the rest of your life. After working at least five years, you’re eligible to receive your retirement benefit starting at age 65.

Both you and Edmonds College contribute money to PERS 2. However, these contributions don’t determine your retirement benefit. Instead, the income you receive from PERS 2 during retirement depends on both your final salary and your years of service.

PERS 3 Retirement Plan

The Public Employees’ Retirement System Plan 3 (PERS 3) is a two-part, hybrid retirement plan that combines a traditional pension plan, where your receive a defined benefit at retirement, with investment options that work like a typical retirement plan, such as a 401(k).

Both parts of the PERS 3 retirement plan play a significant role in your income at retirement.

With the defined benefit part of the plan, you’re guaranteed a monthly benefit for the rest of your life once you meet the plan requirements and retire.

With the defined contribution part of the plan, you invest part of each paycheck into a retirement fund. When you retire, the amount you earn depends on the performance of your investments.

Time Off


Eligible college employees accrue vacation based on employee type (i.e. faculty, exempt, classified). See the Holidays and Leave page for more information. The College also provides paid time off for 10 state approved holidays.