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Scholarship opportunity: Apply by Nov. 1 for All-Washington Academic Team

Apply by Mon., Nov. 1 to be considered for the All-Washington Academic Team scholarship and award. This is a great opportunity to receive state recognition, a chance at national recognition, and a scholarship that honors your outstanding academic achievement and community service. Apply online at http://my.ptk.org. Edmonds College will nominate two students for the statewide honor and a chance to receive national recognition. Students must have a 3.5 GPA based on a minimum of 48 college-level credits completed (or in progress during fall semester) at the time of application.

The annual recognition program, administered by Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and in cooperation with the American Association of Community Colleges, seeks to honor outstanding community college students who show intellectual rigor in their course of study, demonstrate academic/leadership/civic growth and who extend their community college education to better themselves, their schools and their communities. A student does not have to be a member of Phi Theta Kappa to be eligible.

The top-scoring student in each state will be named a New Century Scholar and will receive a $2,000 stipend and medallion and a chance to receive additional honors and scholarships as part of the All-USA Academic Team for Community, Technical and Junior Colleges. Phi Theta Kappa, USA Today, and the American Association of Community Colleges sponsor this annual recognition for top community college scholars.

Edmonds College students Boris Davidovsky and Danielle Latimer received the 2010 All-Washington Academic Team honor.

Before coming to Edmonds CC, Davidovsky worked at an alcohol and drug rehabilitation clinic. Clients often needed help with legal questions and paperwork and Davidovsky’s desire to help them led him to pursue a college education. He earned a two-year paralegal degree at Edmonds CC and was encouraged to work toward law school. He’ll complete his transfer degree and then go on for a bachelor’s in political science at the University of Washington.

Latimer came to Edmonds College after graduating from Kamiak High School. To pay for her college education, she worked as a lifeguard and water fitness instructor at the Mukilteo YMCA. She also earned scholarships from the Edmonds College Foundation. She plans become a film and television producer and would like to earn a master’s degree in film after she completes her bachelor’s degree.

Find out more

All-Washington Academic Team Awards website