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Edmonds College publishes 2010-11 catalog online

This year, for the first time, Edmonds College has published its catalog online at https://catalog.edmonds.edu. The Edmonds College 2010-11 Catalog lists all of the college’s official courses, programs, and policies. Publishing the document is an accreditation requirement for the college. Until recently, the catalog has been published every two years.

Now it will be published annually online. Hard copies of the catalog will be printed on demand. Moving the college catalog online allows the college to save 13 million printed pages over the next decade.

“The goal is to save money, update the catalog more frequently, create efficiency, and be more sustainable,” said Communications and Marketing Director Stephanie Wiegand. “Students will also gain some useful tools. Links and pop up windows in the online catalog will make it easier for students to find program requirements and related courses. They can also save courses and programs they are interested in using the 'My Portfolio' feature.”

The catalog includes all of the college’s newest programs and services such as an honors program and new Energy Management and Emergency Management degrees.

To build the catalog, Edmonds College worked with Digital Architecture using its online Academic Catalog Management System, Acalog.

Established in 1967, accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, and governed by the Washington State Board of Community and Technical Colleges, Edmonds College is a leader in providing quality opportunities for learning and service, responding to the dynamic needs of our diverse community. The college serves more than 20,000 students annually. www.edmonds.edu

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Edmonds College Catalog