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Media Relations

For News Media

The Public Information office is the official point of contact for all news media outlets. We encourage the news media to contact our office to assist with campus visits (including arranging for parking passes) and student and employee interviews. Students and employees are encouraged to contact the Marketing and Public Information office with any newsworthy activity, event, or accomplishment in order to inform the news media and the general public.

We are eager to assist reporters with needed information and visuals and will work to respond to your requests as quickly as possible. We are here to help you locate sources, arrange interviews or photography, and receive information on important issues.

If you are a reporter and would like to receive Edmonds College press releases, please call 425.563.3097 or email news@edmonds.edu. To view our archives, visit edmonds.edu/news/stories.

Contact Media Relations staff

During an emergency, please call: 425.563.3097

For general media inquires or to request an expert on a specific topic, please call:

  • 425.640.1697,  24/7 PIO line
  • 425.640.1697, karen.magarelli@edmonds.edu, Karen Magarelli, Executive Director of Marketing and Public Information

Additional ways to receive information about Edmonds College:

Media Relations at Edmonds College

We seek out positive and inspirational stories about the college and its students and employees. We work to publicize them through media to increase the college’s visibility. To do this, our office:

  • Distributes information and stories about the college to media outlets (newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and Internet).
  • Cultivates relationships with reporters and media outlets.
  • Monitors news to find the right fit for stories we place and to locate stories about EC.
  • Writes and distributes a quarterly e-newsletter to inform the the community about the college’s recent mentions in the news.

About Media Relations

The Edmonds College Public Information office is responsible for communicating key messages about the college and its students and employees to local, regional, and national news media.

Working with the media allows the college to increase its visibility in the community and enhances appreciation of the college within the campus and broader communities.