CTE Dual Credit
CTE Dual Credit allows students pursuing a career and technical program to earn college credit while in high school. CTE Dual Credit classes count as college credit and fulfill a high school graduation requirement at the same time.
Students earning CTE Dual Credit start their college program before they even graduate from high school.
Career and technical programs at your school district prepare you for in-demand careers in a wide variety of industries. Career and technical programs are designed through collaboration with local employers to ensure what you’re learning is important to their company. Graduates of certificate and associate degree programs often obtain higher salaries than those with a bachelor's degree.
High school students who are exploring their options after high school should review the program of study information with a career specialist. You can also check out our CTE dual credit course list for details on courses we offer at each participating high school.
Registering for CTE Dual Credit courses
If you want to take CTE Dual Credit courses offered through Edmonds College, please complete the following steps to request enrollment in a CTE Dual Credit course
- Contact Pacific NW College Credit to register for course(s)
- Create an account in the SERS (Statewide Enrollment and Reporting System). Detailed instructions can be found here: SERS Student Guide
- Register for the correct courses in SERS. A complete list of courses offered by Edmonds College can be found here: List of CTE Dual Credit Courses, or ask your teacher or career specialist if courses are offered at your school.
- Pay the $50 annual fee on the Pacific NW College Credit website: www.pnwcollegecredit.org
- Complete your course with a “B” grade or better
If you want to request earned CTE Dual Credit course(s) to be added to your college transcript and college credit awarded, you must follow the below steps before August 1, 2024.
Requesting Course Credit (Edmonds Transcript)
- If you already have a Edmonds College ctcLink ID, skip to step 2.
- If you have not attended/applied to Edmonds College, apply to Edmonds College. Students may have a ctcLink ID if credit has been earned through another program such as College in the High School or Running Start. For new students who have not attended a community or technical college in Washington state, use this guide: New student guide.
- For students who already have a ctcLink ID from another community or technical college in Washington state, but have not applied to Edmonds, use this guide: Existing student guide.
- Within 2-5 business days, you will receive an email from the college with your ctcLink
ID number. Then proceed to step 3.
Note: Your SERS ID, beginning with TP, is not your ctcLink ID. - Complete and submit a “Request Credit” Form. This form requires an Edmonds College ctcLink ID.
- Once you have sent your form, your request will be processed during the summer. Once your course is transcribed, you will be sent a confirmation email with instructions on how to view/order your transcript.
- Activate your ctcLink ID (student ID), a tutorial is provided under the ctcLink tutorials section, under "activate ctcLink account".
- Review your unofficial transcript in your ctcLink account, instructions on how to do this are provided at the following link: View Unofficial Transcripts
- Order official transcripts on the Edmonds College transcripts page
Note: There are several steps CTE Dual Credit and enrollment staff take to enroll and transcribe students. Please rest assured that we work on your request as quickly as we can.
Please contact us if you have any questions about your credits/transcripts. See the contact us page for contact information.