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Office of Planning, Research, and Assessment (OPRA)

Housed within the Finance, Grants, and Institutional Effectiveness Division, the Office of Planning, Research, and Assessment (OPRA) advances Edmonds College’s culture of evidence and inquiry by providing technical expertise to improve data access and analysis capabilities for college administrators and faculty. This work is accomplished by conducting and critiquing difficult, complex, and innovative institutional research studies; by developing and maintaining research information systems and reporting tools; and by responding to information requests from internal and external entities. 


  • Providing information to support decision-making by the college’s leadership
  • Assisting with oversight of college-wide planning initiatives
  • Leading systems to integrate outcomes assessment and college-wide planning


  • Managing institutional research and institutional effectiveness activities
  • Regularly publishing data and information for the use by students and employees
  • Overseeing the development of processes to ensure frequently requested data remains current and readily available


  • Assisting faculty and staff in conducting effective and meaningful assessment activities
  • Providing leadership, documentation, and evidence for accreditation and other external reviews
  • Reporting college information and/or providing access to college information to other employees who are required to report to state and federal agencies

OPRA is a critical link among the several different areas of the college and helps facilitate effective communication and collaboration among those offices.

For more information, please contact OPRA