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Children in class



Office of EHS

Early Head Start provides support to pregnant moms and children ages 0-3. Get matched with a Home Visitor who connects you to resources and helps you develop activities that support your child’s development in all areas.

Head Start provides preschool classes for children ages 3-5. Programs include personalized school readiness activities, nutritious meals, health screenings, and opportunities for parent involvement.

Apply Now!

Call us at 425.712.9000 or fill out our online form:


Applications are accepted all year long. About two weeks after submitting your application, we'll send you a letter to let you know if you qualify for our program. If we don't currently have openings, you'll be put on the waiting list. Questions? Call 425.712.9000 or email HeadStartApps@edmonds.edu.

Our Stories

“My daughter attended Head Start because I wanted her to have others to play with. We got a lot more than that. She learned about sharing, ABC’s, how to write her name and count..." Read more