Solidarity With the Asian American and Pacific Islander Community
March 8, 2021
Denouncing acts of violence against Asian communities
As many of you are aware, there have been an increasing number of attacks against Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders. These despicable and unfathomable acts have been physical attacks and verbal assaults against older/senior adults and other members of the Asian community. While these assaults have occurred in many different places across our nation, they are also occurring in Washington state. I want to make it clear that as the college President, I unequivocally denounce these racist acts.
In June 2020, our college’s Board of Trustees passed Resolution #20-6-2 denouncing xenophobia and anti-Asian sentiment due to fears of the COVID-19 pandemic and affirmed EC’s commitment to the well-being and safety of Asian and Pacific Islander communities. Additionally, I along with all my CTC president counterparts signed a resolution denouncing anti-Asian discrimination caused by the pandemic on June 6, 2020. I stand by these resolutions and affirm our commitment to the safety of our Asian and Pacific Islander communities.
I appreciate the work we’re all doing, individually and collectively, to move us further toward becoming an anti-racist and inclusive institution. During such challenging and difficult times, it is important to remember self-care. Support is available for students and employees if needed:
- Students: The Counseling and Resource Center offers free and confidential mental health services through virtual telehealth sessions. Call 425.640.1358 or email counseling@edmonds.edu. You can also get support from the Center for Cultural Diversity and Inclusion (CSCDI). To book an appointment, email eduardo.torres@edmonds.edu.
- Employees: The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers free and confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals, and follow-up services to employees. Call the EAP to set up a confidential appointment at 1.800.648.5834.
Also, please remember to report any acts of bias at Edmonds College to your supervisor or by filling out the Bias Incident/Hate Crimes Reporting Form.
Amit B. Singh, PhD
Edmonds College
March 19, 2021
Dear Triton Community,
Racist attacks against Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders are on the rise across our nation. These hateful and horrible physical, verbal, and emotional assaults against members of the Asian American and Pacific Islandar (AAPI) communities have happened in many cities across our nation, including Washington state. Most recently, six Asian women were murdered in Georgia. While the person responsible says his actions were not racially motivated, many believe anti-Asian biases and stereotypes played a role in his actions.
The Edmonds College (EC) leadership team condemns these racist acts and all forms of racism. We remain committed to the well-being and safety of our AAPI students and communities. EC stands in solidarity with our AAPI community, as well as other communities of color, who are the targets of hate, discrimination, and bias.
We are a community, and we are here to support each of you during these challenging and difficult times. We encourage you to use our campus resources and to do your best to take care of yourself.
The following campus resources are available to you: The Counseling and Resource Center, which offers free and confidential mental health services through virtual telehealth sessions. Call 425.640.1358 or email counseling@edmonds.edu. You can also get support from theCenter for Cultural Diversity and Inclusion (CSCDI). To book an appointment, email eduardo.torres@edmonds.edu.
There are also a number of local resources that specifically focus on dismantling Asian/Asian American racism, reporting incidents and attacks, and obtaining services. Also, please remember to report any acts of bias at Edmonds College by filling out the Bias Incident/Hate Crimes Reporting Form.
In solidarity,
Christina Castorena,
Vice President for Student Success
Dr. Yvonne L. Terrell-Powell
Vice President for Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
Edmonds College Board of Trustees Resolutions
At the June 11, 2020 Edmonds College Board of Trustees meeting, the Trustees approved the following resolution:
Support from the Washington Association of Community and Technical Colleges Board of Presidents
Support from the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)
Support from the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT)
Support from the National Asian Pacific Islander Council (NAPIC)
Statement by President Biden on the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act
AAPI Heritage Month: Dispelling stereotypes and supporting students
How can I get help if I’m struggling?
During such challenging and difficult times, it is important to remember self care. Support is available for students and employees if needed:
- Students: The Counseling and Resource Center offers free and confidential mental health services through virtual telehealth sessions. Call 425.640.1358 or email counseling@edmonds.edu. You can also get support from the Center for Cultural Diversity and Inclusion (CSCDI). To book an appointment, email eduardo.torres@edmonds.edu.
- Employees: The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers free and confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals, and follow-up services to employees. Call the EAP to set up a confidential appointment at 1.800.648.5834.
How can I report a bias incident or hate crime?
If you've experienced or witnessed a bias incident or hate crime, please use this form to report the incident. Your report will be routed to the Vice President for Equity, Inclusion and Belonging.