Feb. 6: Campus is closed. See details.

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Faculty Office Hours

Office hours are now completed in a shared Google Spreadsheet that can be viewed and updated by Edmonds College logins here

Office Hour Due Dates

  • Fall Quarter: Friday, September 20, 2024
  • Winter Quarter: Friday, January 10, 2025
  • Spring Quarter: Friday, April 11, 2025

Schedule of Classes

Class schedules will be sent to you in via email with the initial memo in spreadsheet form. Use the filtering options in the spreadsheet to if you would like to and isolate your name.

Schedule of Office Hours

Please use the Google Doc to fill in start and end times, doing your best to stick to the following format:

As office hours are chosen, please keep in mind:

  • Faculty negotiated agreement states, "full-time academic employees shall schedule at least five office hours (250 minutes) per week." 
  • Minimum time increment is 25 minutes. Exceptions must be approved/ signed by your division dean prior to submitting to the Vice President of Instruction (VPI) Office.
  • Notation "by appointment" does not satisfy the above requirement.
  • Office hours should be reasonably spread over the week, chosen to accommodate a variety of student schedules and not conflict with other scheduled meeting times.
  • Post Class Schedule and Office Hours on your office door.
  • Notify your division secretary when you have updated your Office Hours.

Additionally, please take this time to update your information found in the left hand side column of the spreadsheet (names, office locations and phone numbers).


The quarterly Faculty & Student Services Office Hours listing will be always be hosted at the Google Doc web address. Please bookmark this URL for future reference.

If you are unable to post your hours, please ensure you are logged into your Edmonds College email address, not your personal one.

If you do not see your name listed, or see the name of a faculty member who is no longer here, please email Michele Tierney, at michele.tierney@edmonds.edu.

If you have any questions regarding office hours, please contact your dean or Michele Tierney.

Thank you!