Job Opportunities
Edmonds College strengthens our diverse community by helping students access educational and career opportunities in a supportive environment that encourages success, innovation, service, and lifelong learning.
Why work at Edmonds College? Learn more about our diverse programs and community.
Job Opportunities Information for Current Employees
Thien Ngo
thien.ngo@edmonds.edu | 425.640.1857
For all recruitment inquiries, except for Head Start Positions
Bethany Sugawara
For all Head Start Positions
bethany.sugawara@edmonds.edu | 425.712.9000 x4502
Contact Information
Phone: 425.640.1400
Fax: 425.640.1359
HR Office
Building Address: Clearview Building, First Floor, 7030 196th St. SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036
Mailing Address: Edmonds College, HUMRES, 20000 68th Ave. W, Lynnwood, WA 98036
Front Desk Hours of Operation (including hardcopy drop-off).
Mon.-Fri.: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
For inquiries directed to a specific staff member, please email or call them directly to set an appointment.