ASEC Budget
Student and Activities Fee Budget Process
At the beginning of winter quarter, the ASEC Executive Officer for Budget and Finance shall provide opportunities for members of the campus community to apply for recognition as a subsidized program. Prior to the initiation of the S and A Fee Budget Committee deliberations, the Executive Board shall evaluate all currently funded programs, and the requests for new programs. The Executive Board shall determine which programs shall be eligible for funding and shall provide that information to the S and A Fee Budget Committee.
The S and A Fee Budget Committee shall invite each account director to present his/her
budget to the budget committee.
After hearing subprogram requests, the S and A Fee Budget Committee shall meet to
prepare a balanced budget.
When a preliminary balance has been established, the ASEC Executive Officer for Budget and Finance will schedule a preliminary balance hearing in order to provide account directors and any member of the campus community an opportunity to express viewpoints regarding the proposed ASEC Budget.
The ASEC Executive Officer for Budget and Finance shall distribute the balanced budget to the Director for Student Programs and the Senior Associate Dean for Student Life and Development for administrative review.