Information for High School Teachers
Welcome to the Edmonds College faculty!
We are delighted that you have been appointed Associate Faculty in our nationally accredited College in the High School (CHS) program. You have been recognized by the College’s academic departments for your credentials, teaching skills, and commitment to student success – Edmonds College’s institutional Core Themes.
You play an integral role in Edmonds College’s vision of “transforming lives through exemplary, nationally recognized education and career pathways.” You, along with the College Curriculum Liaisons, share the College values of collaboration, communication, responsibility, accountability, innovation, creativity, diversity, respect, and inclusion.
Through discipline-specific professional development, Edmonds College faculty has the opportunity to learn from you as a full instructional partner of the college. This is a win-win for students earning dual (high school and college) credit. Students’ college and high school transcripts will show university admissions offices that they have completed a rigorous college class. CHS also provides a unique partnership to expand and enrich the curriculum offered by both institutions.
Edmonds College faculty and staff are committed to excellence – everyday. We believe in the potential of every student and strive to help students create a foundation for success. Thank you for taking on the additional responsibilities necessary to participate in the CHS program. Our committed staff is here to assist you, your students, counselors, registrars, and parents.
My best wishes for an ambitious and exciting school year.
President, Edmonds College
- Why should I teach CHS classes?
- What is the application process for appointment as CHS Associate Faculty?
- What happens next?
- What are my responsibilities as CHS Associate Faculty?
- What’s involved in the Edmonds College Faculty Coordinator/Liaison’s Visit to my classroom and the professional development options?
- What is the CHS registration process for my students?
- What are important deadlines for me?
Why should I teach CHS classes?
Certainly if you teach in the CHS program, there will be additional preparation and communication with Edmonds College faculty and staff. High school teachers who have been appointed as CHS Associate Faculty have shared the following comments regarding the positive impact teaching in CHS has had on their own teaching:
"As a CHS teacher, parent, and tax payer in the Edmonds School District, I believe the CHS program to be of tremendous value to the community. Students are exposed to the rigors and expectations of a college-level math class while in the comfort of their traditional high school setting.”
– Bill Hummel, Meadowdale High School math teacher
“In partnership with Edmonds College, CHS at Lynnwood High School has allowed me the most dynamic and awesome privilege of working closely with the Edmonds College Math Department to share best practices and practical rigor for my students. I have benefited from various conversations and professional development that keep my instruction current and fresh in meeting course objectives at the college level.”
– Glenn Chinn, Lynnwood High School math teacher
CHS Associate Faculty also report that they have also benefited in the following ways:
- Teacher Development—Edmonds College provides CHS Associate Faculty with an Edmonds College Curriculum Coordinator/Liaison who will offer training in curriculum development, assessment standards, teaching methodology, and provide valuable supplemental materials. Through annual classroom visits and dialogue as part of required Professional Development, a collegial partnership is formed that may not otherwise exist. Some Edmonds College academic departments have provided funding for CHS Associate Faculty to attend workshops or purchase resources that would not have otherwise been possible. CHS Associate Faculty are recognized by their peers, parents, and students as exceptionally prepared educational leaders providing outstanding coursework. CHS Associate Faculty have access to college resources such as the library and other college staff training.
- Motivated Students—CHS students have an additional motivation to learn because they know they are earning college as well as high school credits. This motivation often provides a great teaching and learning environment and puts the fun back in teaching for CHS Associate Faculty. CHS students remain at their high school rather than leaving to attend on campus classes. The school district retains state funding for the students rather than having to transfer a portion to the college as is done for students participating in Running Start.
- Teacher Employment—CHS Associate Faculty may include this designation on their Resume/Vita and may also apply to teach college evening or Summer Quarter classes because they have already been appointed by the academic department. Additionally, a stipend is paid by Edmonds College to the CHS Associate Faculty for the tasks that are outside their district teaching responsibilities. Edmonds College's College in the High School Program is nationally accredited by the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships, one of only four colleges in Washington state.
- Altruistic Benefits—Probably most important of all, the reason for teaching CHS classes are the benefits which CHS Associate Faculty provide for their students by helping them prepare for higher education. Students have indicated that earning college credits may have only been a dream and now they know it is possible. Additionally, CHS Associate Faculty are helping their high schools to develop and maintain quality education standards.
What is the application process for appointment as CHS Associate Faculty?
Either the high school principal or high school teacher(s) may make the initial request to participate in the program.
Contact the CHS Admin Team at chs@edmonds.edu.
We are happy to answer any questions about the application process, and will notify the appropriate Edmonds College academic Dean/department head of your interest.
You should provide the following:
- evidence of your knowledge of the subject and outstanding teaching skills;
- evidence of at least two times teaching the designated CHS class with written endorsement by your high school principal/department head;
- your expressed interest and a willingness to modify the curriculum, assignments, assessment, and grading criteria as needed to ensure that it is equivalent to the course offered on the Edmonds College campus;
- letter of recommendation from your administrative supervisor;
- a resume and college transcript(s) to confirm degree(s) you have earned and the courses you have taken; and
- your high school course syllabi including the name of textbook(s) as well as typical assignments with a sample assessment.
The Dean and department head, in consultation as needed with your high school principal, will review all applications. You may be asked to come in for an interview. They will make the determination regarding appointment of all applicants for CHS Associate Faculty positions.
Successful applicants must meet the same credentials as any other part-time college instructor as defined by the academic department. Some but not all college departments require a master’s degree in the subject area.
Options for Approving a High School Teacher to the position of College in the High School (CHS) Associate Faculty Member
What happens next?
The CHS Director will notify you and your high school principal. You will be provided with a CHS Associate Faculty Assignment Agreement and CHS Handbook; both outline the details of your responsibilities. The CHS Director will meet personally with you to ensure all your questions have been answered and processes explained. Detailed roles and responsibilities of all parties (Dean/department head, Faculty Coordinator/Liaison, Associate Faculty, CHS Director/staff are outlined in the CHS Handbook).
Upon your appointment, the Edmonds College Faculty Coordinator/Liaison will meet with you to provide an orientation specific to your academic department and will assist you with designing the curriculum, creating a syllabus, writing student learning objectives, developing assignments and assessments, departmental grading and other course-related topics. You will also receive a sample departmental course syllabus and a desk copy of the current college textbook(s) for your specific CHS course. Additionally, you will receive an electronic CHS syllabus template that includes all the required “default” information for CHS students.
Your CHS course syllabus must be separate from the standard high school syllabus and must include the following elements:
- identification as a “College in the High School” course with a course title and number that matches the college course;
- your name as CHS Associate Faculty, contact information and the name of your high school;
- a course description that exactly matches that of the college course;
- course expectations and learning objectives that match those at the college;
- evidence that your CHS students are assessed in the same way as their college counterparts. For example, if students at the college are assessed primarily using exams, the CHS syllabus should show that exams count for the majority of the student’s final CHS decimal grade;
- a decimal grading scale and expectations that are the same as the appropriate academic department for that college course;
- a statement notifying the CHS students that the final decimal grade for the course
will be recorded on an Edmonds College permanent college transcript;
(Note: high school registrars have specific coding instructions for dual credit courses and how to enter onto the high school transcript.) - a statement about classroom expectations, academic integrity, student rights and responsibilities, FERPA and important CHS dates; and
- any other information regarding assignments and curriculum that is pertinent to the course (for example, regarding how and if missed work/exams will be handled).
You will send an electronic copy of your finalized syllabus to your Edmonds College Faculty Coordinator/Liaison who will review and approve. A copy will be retained by the academic department and in the CHS Office. All registered CHS students must receive a copy of this approved syllabus.
Your CHS course must include content that is consistent with on-campus sections and reflects the pedagogical, theoretical and philosophical orientation of Edmonds College. Course assignments and requirements must meet college expectations with your students being assessed using the same methods as their on campus counterparts. Final grades are based on your sound evaluation of course objectives. These are all topics in which you will have the mentoring of your Faculty Coordinator/Liaison.
As appointed CHS Associate Faculty, you are considered Edmonds College part-time faculty. You may use this designation on your future Resumes/Vitas. You will be paid stipends by the college for the administrative time spent on the CHS program and for attending the required CHS Associate Faculty Orientation/Department Meeting (held prior to the start of instruction each academic year). The stipends will be factored on the agreed amount for the required meeting and also the number of students enrolled in your CHS class(es). Payments will be processed after the required meeting and after your final rosters are proofed for accuracy. This generally occurs after the Annual CHS Meeting; in January for first semester classes; and April for second semester classes and with the expectation that you will complete all the agreed upon responsibilities of your appointment.
As with all new college employees, there will be one-time initial paperwork to become part of the Edmonds College employee system so that your stipends can be processed. The CHS Director will provide you with all necessary documents, answer your questions, ensure completion and submit to the college’s Human Resources (HR), Payroll and Information Technology departments.
Your Faculty Coordinator/Liaison will be paid a stipend for completing his/her responsibilities which have been mentioned above and also include one to two prearranged visits to your CHS classes and for providing you ongoing professional development. As new CHS Associate Faculty, you will be visited (in-person or virtually) during the first and last semester of your initial year of appointment. Thereafter, there will be an annual classroom visit. Edmonds College Faculty Coordinators/Liaisons will complete the Classroom Observation Form including a follow-up discussion with you. You will both sign the form and it will be submitted to the CHS Director.
What are my responsibilities as CHS Associate Faculty?
Your responsibilities have been summarized in the CHS Associate Faculty Agreement. The CHS Handbook outlines your responsibilities.
What’s involved in the Edmonds College Faculty Coordinator/Liaison’s visit to my classroom and professional development options?
The CHS Director has provided information to each Faculty Coordinator/Liaison and it is included in the CHS Handbook.
What is the CHS registration process for my students?
You, your high school counselors and registrars will be provided registration information as well as placement procedures. Additionally, the CHS website includes information for your parents and students describing CHS and its processes/procedures/deadlines as well as Frequently Asked Questions.
The CHS Director, Edmonds College academic advisors, and/or high school counselors will be available to provide your students and parents information regarding whether or not the CHS program will help meet the student’s educational goals. Electronic communication will also be provided.
The college registration process begins with first-time Edmonds College students completing the online CHS Admission Form, there is no application fee. Students are permitted to register for a CHS class if they have earned the appropriate placement score on the college’s placement exam or through your evaluation of their high school transcript using the Edmonds College English or Math Alternate Placement Rubric. Any alternative placement will follow the college’s tracking and documentation procedures.
If an interested student falls “in the grey area,” his/her score and classroom work including grades on previous classes will be reviewed by you and Edmonds College Faculty Coordinator/Liaison. In these cases, the college department head must grant approval prior to student registering for a CHS class. Students who enroll in successive college courses must meet all prerequisite requirements.
CHS courses are now tuition-free for students.
The CHS Director will send each of your registered students a welcome letter which will include the student’s ctcLink ID, how to order a college transcript, FERPA, and Edmonds College Student Rights, Freedoms and Responsibilities website links as well as information about all college programs and resources. You will also provide each registered student a CHS course syllabus which also restates much of this information.