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Outstanding Student Experiences in Undergraduate Research

Our students have presented their research findings at the:

  • Council on Undergraduate Research, Washington D.C., April 2012
  • Western Washington Mathematics Students Conference, Lynnwood, 2010
  • University of Washington Undergraduate Research Symposium, 2011 and 2012

Student researcher Luke Daanomah received the NASA Undergraduate Research Award in 2011 and was named a National Science Foundation Scholar in 2012 for his work on Solar Imaging Spectroscopy working alongside Lockheed Martin engineers, Stanford University and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center scientists.

Student researcher Breeanna Cain received the NASA Undergraduate Research Award in 2011 and was named a National Science Foundation Scholar in 2012. She was awarded one of two National Summer Research Internship Awards in Far-Infrared (FIR) Laser Spectroscopy and worked in the Far Infrared Laser Spectroscopy Laboratory at Central Washington University.

Andrew Nichols and D'Artagnon Womack's research on laser spectroscopy with Michael Jackson a physics professor at Central Washington University was published in the IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, March 2012.

What Students Say

"The opportunities here are all I could hope for."
- D'Artagnon Womack, Associate of Science

D'Artagnon Womack

Why Edmonds College? Convenience - a bus ran from my house to my work to my school. I could get to the most important places in my life for pocket change.

Before Edmonds College: high school and then a manager at a retail store

Biggest challenge: Growing up in a family struggling near the poverty level and entering the job market during this horrific economic time. One temporary labor job I had required me to leave home at 4 a.m. and walk six miles per day to work to spend ten hours on my feet for minimum wage. It's an experience I won't forget. It strengthens my resolve for the challenges I currently face.

Favorite classes: Vector Calculus - the sort of learning you can only get at a higher-level institution. Instructor Dr. Tom Fleming's dedication to his craft helps launch young scientists from Edmonds College.

College goal: Electrical Engineering degree and then a doctorate in optics.

"Find your passion. If you are doing what you love, it will be so much easier and more beneficial."
- Kristina Madden, Running Start, EdCAP, Associate in Pre-Nursing

Kristina Madden

Why Edmonds College? I started in EdCAP (Edmonds Career Access Program-an opportunity for young adults ages 16-21) to earn a high school diploma in a college environment), to earn a high school diploma while working towards finishing my degree.

Before Edmonds College: being a mom

Why now? I always knew I wanted to finish my diploma and pre-nursing degree. I was starting to miss school and I began looking for ways to make it possible.

Biggest challenge: juggling school as a breastfeeding mom and as a mother of three and working

Favorite classes: Honors classes. I did projects, such as studying the immunobiology of breast milk, that helped me discover my passion for research.

Recommended resource on campus: Childcare at the Center for Families

Working as: a breastfeeding counselor for the state's Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC Program)

Known on campus for: leading an effort to get a lactation room on campus, a safe place for student-mothers of infants to breastfeed