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The Numbers

20-25% of women are victims of rape or attempted rape during their time in college. -Office of Civil Rights

Since the passing of Title IX, 6 times as many women participate in college sports. However, women receive only 40% of funds spent on athletics. - NCWGE, 2012

9 out of 10 college victims of rape knew their attacker. -Office of Civil Rights

6.1% of men experience attempted or completed sexual assault while in college. -Office of Civil Rights

69% of rape victims reported feeling at least somewhat or extremely concerned that others would blame them or hold them responsible for their rape. -National Victim Center and the Crime Victims Research & Treatment Center, 1992

The Facts

Title IX:

Prohibits gender discrimination

Prohibits sexual harassment

Prohibits sex violence

Prohibits discrimination against pregnant and parenting students and employees

Protects all students and employees

Requires the college to protect against retaliation

Requires the college to take immediate action

Requires the college to proactively prevent gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and sex violence on campus and in the workplace

Protects your right to hostile-free academic and work environment and ensures your access to education