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Student Job Opportunities with the Advising Resource Center


The Advising Resource Center (ARC) routinely hires students for both work-study* and part-time hourly positions. We typically hire advising navigators to assist with leading our front desk, welcoming students to the ARC, answering questions about campus resources and navigating services on the computers in the ARC lab. You will gain experience in customer service, leadership, and administrative duties in a fast-paced environment as an advising navigator. 

*Work study means you have a financial aid award that includes a work-study allotment. If you are unsure whether you are eligible for work study, please check with the Financial Aid office

Apply on Handshake!

The advising office will post open positions on Handshake. Please create an account on "Handshake" or contact the advising team to learn more about and apply for opportunities available. You can send questions to carolynn.tulluck@edmonds.edu.

Hiring Process

Once you have applied via our application, our staff will review your application. We will contact applicants who meet eligibility requirements to interview with our team. If selected to move forward in the hiring process, you will complete a background check and receive hands-on training in the Advising Resource Center. 

Preparing for your interview

Students bring a wealth of knowledge and perspective to our office! To highlight your experiences, write down your strengths, talents, and unique experiences. Think about both life and work experiences where you have grown and how you have helped others. If you have other work experience, think of specific scenarios where you helped customers or colleagues and how you handled challenging situations.

Looking for other internship or job opportunities?

Connect with the Career Action Center help prepare you for your career goals.

Career Action Center