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WRITE 95/101 support CLASSES

WRITE 95/101: Personalized classes to help you strengthen your writing skills

Would you like extra support from another teacher while you complete writing assignments for your classes? Do you want to work on your writing skills and develop more confidence as a writer?

If you are taking writing classes like AENGL 93, ENGLP 93, ENGL 99, ENGL 101, ENGL 102, or any other classes where you have to do a lot of writing assignments, and you feel like you could use more support while you work on your writing assignments, then WRITE classes are a great option for you.

WRITE 95 and WRITE 101 are supplemental, personalized writing support courses (taken for credit, pass/fail) taught by faculty. Your instructors will give you no new assignments or homework, but instead work one-on-one with you to discuss and give you comments on the writing assignments you're working on in your other, writing-heavy courses. 

Because you work with the same instructor over the whole quarter, they will get to know you and your writing habits really well--so they can help you identify aspects of your writing that you might want to work on more than others. They are like a writing coach! This kind of personalized attention can lead to a lot of growth over the course of a quarter! 

Please be aware: If you are looking for a 5 unit (credit) class to fill your schedule or you are wanting to take a class to improve your writing but you are not currently enrolled in a separate writing-heavy class, these classes are not a good choice for you.

If you have any questions about WRITE classes, please email Jeremiah Roland and he will answer your questions!

How to Register

We have created a visual step-by-step guide showing how to find the WRITE classes and enroll in them, including adjusting your unit (credit) count as you register!

In Class Search, to find the WRITE class, under Academic Organization, select Writing Skills (the last one in the list).

Use this visual guide to help you enroll in the WRITE classes and adjust your unit (credit) amounts.

Spring 2024 Sections


Take WRITE 95 with these other writing classes: AENGL 93, ENGLP 93, ENGL 99

Section Mode Course Instructor

WRITE 95 - 01-CLN (16783)


Lynne Walker

WRITE 95 - 02-CLN (16764)


Daniel Grisbach


Take WRITE 101 with these other writing classes: ENGL 101, ENGL 102, and any other 101+ level class with many writing assignments

Section Mode Course Instructor

WRITE 101 - 01-CLN (16772)


Lynne Walker

WRITE 101 - 02-CLN (16773)


Daniel Griesbach

Read below for answers to some frequently asked questions about the WRITE classes