Family Services

As we have stated, partnerships with parents are at the core of the services we provide to families. We believe that when helping children get an early start, it is just as important to involve the parents as it is to work with the child. When a child is enrolled in our program, the parents are too.
We start to form a partnership with the parents from the very first meeting. Whether it is sharing information on nutrition and safety, helping with resources in the community, or showing parents how to become an advocate in the school system, our qualified and trained Parent Service Specialists and Parent Mentors are there ready to assist parents in achieving their goals.
Throughout the year, Edmonds College Head Start and Early Head Start offers many rich opportunities for parents to become involved, build on existing skills and learn new ones, and the chance to participate in new experiences – or old experiences in new ways. It is an opportunity for parents to explore their skills and interests not only as their child’s parent and their family’s leader, but also as an adult learner.