GREEN CLASSES, Green Careers
Edmonds College offers a variety of great programs to help you get started in a green career. You can earn a degree, transfer credits to a four-year college, or spiff up your resume and get ahead by enrolling in a certificate program. Our classes and degrees teach environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable practices. We’re preparing students for green-collar jobs.
Careers include: Construction Foreman | Ecotourism Consultant | Green Event Planner | Nursery/Greenhouse Grower | Occupational Safety and Health Technician | Restoration Horticulturist | Sustainable Urban Farmer
Get Ready for Green Jobs! Earn a Degree or Certificate
Construction Management
The largest number of green jobs in Washington state are in construction. Accredited by the American Council for Construction Education, this program is designed for people who are presently employed or have previous experience in construction. Call 425.640.1026.
Event Planning
Green event planning is an industry trend. Learn the practical and theoretical aspects of event and meeting management, including best practices in research, design, planning, coordination, promotion, risk management, and sustainability of meetings and events. Call 425.640.1137.
If you enjoy working outdoors, growing plants, and repairing damaged land and habitat, watch your opportunities bloom with an education in horticulture. Gain the knowledge and skills to create green spaces using sustainable methods and techniques. Call 425.640.1739.
Hospitality and Tourism
Learn the latest green ideas in hospitality and tourism. Trends in the industry include ecotourism and sustainable/green best practices in hotels and travel businesses. Call 425.640.1208.
Occupational Safety and Health
Occupational health and safety professionals are needed in every business and industry. These specialists work with management teams to design safety programs and training. Call 425.640.1843.
Get Ready for Green Jobs! Take a Class.
These are just some of the classes offered at Edmonds College.
Human Ecology – ANTH 201, 202, and 203
Help tribes, governments, and non-profits make fishing, farming, and forestry more sustainable while studying relationships between people and ecosystems.
Western Washington Ecology — BIOL 105
Explore the ecology of our terrestrial ecosystems and our impacts on them, while learning
to recognize common land animals and plants and how they live.
Business Management
Sustainable Business Practices — MGMT 110
Study business practices that measure success based on profitability, environmental
sustainability, and social responsibility.
Construction Management
LEED/Green Building Construction — CONST 170
Get an overview of green building programs and certifications. Focus on managing LEED implementation on construction job sites.
Culinary Arts
Sustainable Food Service — CLART 208
Introduction to general concepts of sustainability in the food service industry; focus
will include food production, agriculture, animal husbandry, commercial fishing, procurement
and waste.
Emergency Management and Business Continuity
Hazard Analysis and Mitigation — EMER 110
Hazard awareness and analysis, disaster preparedness and mitigation strategies, and
creation of an emergency response plan, including awareness and outreach.
English Composition – ENGL& 101
Earn your English requirement by reading natural history essays, writing about local sustainability topics, attending Earth month events, and doing service-learning with local non-profit environmental organizations. (Look for sections taught by Holly Hughes.)
Event Planning
Sustainable/Green Events — EVPL 245
Learn sustainable practices that promote environmentally responsible decisions in
event planning.
Environmental Science
Environmental Science 100
A combination of information from biology, chemistry, physics, and geology that stresses
a scientific approach toward understanding the nature and scope of current environmental
Sustainable Development — GEOG 150
Learn about issues in sustainability around the world. How can we efficiently use
natural resources today while at the same time preserve it for future generations?
Native Plants in the Landscape — HORT 207
Identify principal native plant communities of Washington state.
Introduction to Restoration Ecology — HORT 250
Introduction to the basic tenets of restoration ecology with a focus on the revegetation
and repair of degraded and abandoned land as well as mitigating urbanization.
Hospitality and Tourism
Ecotourism — HSPTR 220
Learn how business and government tourism enterprises are investing in ecotourism
and sustainability and focus on the impacts of tourism on indigenous cultures and