Feb. 6: Campus is closed. See details.

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Plan for Costs

Students in Running Start do not pay for tuition. You can save up to $1,800 per quarter!  However, there are still costs associated with participating in Running Start. We have provided an overview of the costs you can expect as a Running Start student. All costs are subject to change without notice.


For a detailed overview of the types and amounts of fees you can expect to pay, visit the Tuition and Fees page. Most fees are calculated per credit. Certain classes have special fees, like laboratory fees or online course fees. A full-time Running Start student taking 15 credits should expect to pay approximately $200-300 dollars in fees each quarter.


You will be responsible for acquiring the required textbooks and materials for each course you enroll in. Visit the bookstore website to find out what will be required. You can make your purchase directly from the college bookstore or find them somewhere else. A single textbook can cost over $100.


If you are taking classes at the college in-person, you will need to plan for transportation. Parking permits are free for students, but you will need to plan for gas money and the other costs associated with owning and driving a vehicle. If you plan to take the bus, Edmonds College students can have an bus pass added to their EdPass college ID. Visit the EdPass page to learn more.

Possible Tuition

Running Start will only cover tuition for courses above 100-level. If you plan to enroll in a pre-college Math or English course, you will be responsible for the cost of tuition for those credits. You will also be responsible for the cost of tuition when you exceed full-time status or 15 credits. For an overview of tuition costs, visit the Tuition and Fees page.

If you have decided to enroll in a course that will not be covered by Running Start, you will need to submit a Residency Update for "Undetermined" Status form to residency@edmonds.edu. Without this form, you may be charged incorrectly for tuition.

Fee Waiver

We offer a fee waiver for students experiencing financial hardship. Qualified students get most fees waived for college level courses and are eligible to receive a small amount of credit in the college bookstore to help pay for textbooks. 

For more information, visit the Fee Waiver page and complete the Fee Waiver Application.