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ask a tutor

Submit your questions using our forms and receive emailed responses from tutors

The service on this page is our emailed tutoring help, which works best for students whose schedules don't fit with our Live Zoom tutoring or who would prefer to receive written help from tutors. You submit questions to tutors through the forms we have below for particular subjects. You will receive an emailed response back, usually within 1-3 hours (though it can be longer depending on the subject and our schedule). Tutors respond to questions in the order that they are received.

Many students find that they prefer to chat live with tutors using our live, drop-in Zoom tutoring on Ask a Tutor: Live. If you are interested in talking to a tutor live on Zoom to get help with your questions, check out this service by clicking on this link!

Announcement about Exams, Quizzes, and Projects:

Please DO NOT submit quiz or exam questions or other assignments your instructors have told you not to receive outside help completing. Ask a Tutor works with faculty to ensure students do not receive help on these assessments, and follows the Edmonds College Student Code of Conduct as it relates to Academic Dishonesty.

Current Response Wait Time: 1-4 hours, depending on the subject & our tutors' schedules (sometimes longer)

Question Limits: Please submit each form only ONE time per hour and ask only 1 or 2 questions each time you submit a form.

Use the links below to submit your questions to tutors: 

Accounting Questions

Biology, Chemistry, and Physics Questions

BSTEC, CIS, and Computer Science Questions

Math Questions

Other Subjects and General Questions

Writing Assignments (read the linked page to decide the right service)

Please note: While you can submit questions at any time, day or night, our tutors are online answering questions only during the hours listed below. 

Monday: 9 a.m.-10 p.m.
Tuesday: 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
Wednesday: 9 a.m.-10 p.m.
Thursday: 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m.-10 p.m.
Saturday: 5-9 p.m.
Sunday: 5-9 p.m.


If you experience any difficulties filling out the forms, please email tutoring@edmonds.edu and we will help figure out what is going wrong.

How to Submit a Question Using Your Phone:

Live Video Chat Tutoring with Ask a Tutor: Live

Ask a Tutor: Live allows you to have drop-in video chat sessions with tutors for math, writing, chemistry, and a few other subjects this quarter. Click the links here or on the sidebar to go to that page and find out more!

** If you have questions about how Ask a Tutor works, please read below for answers! **

How do I submit a question?

To submit a question to our tutors, click on the form that matches the class you have a question from and fill out all of the required sections. If at all possible, please do not skip the “optional” sections where you can include a photo of the question and your work on it so far, because those can be very helpful for our tutors to see.

Which subjects can I receive help with through Ask a Tutor?

For these forms, you can request help with accounting, math, chemistry, biology, physics, BSTEC, computer science, and CIS. There is also a form for requests for help with classes that are not listed here, though we do not guarantee we can support unlisted classes.

Where do I go to get help with a writing assignment?

If you want help with a writing assignment, there are two options.

If you wish to chat live with a tutor in a video chat (using Zoom), you should use Ask a Tutor: Live.

If you want to receive written feedback on your writing, you should submit your writing to eTutoring. The system is different than our forms above, but the type of tutoring is the same: you will upload your writing and tell tutors about the assignment your instructor gave you, and you will receive a written response with feedback on your writing from a tutor. When you request writing help on eTutoring, you typically see a response from a tutor between 2-12 hours later, but sometimes the wait will be up to 24-48 hours. When you sign in, it will tell you the current expected wait time.

What if I don’t see my class listed on these forms?

The forms are for our most requested subjects, but we know that they don’t capture all of the classes you might be taking and want help with! If this is the case, please use the Other Subjects and General Questions form and we will do our best to see if we can provide you with tutoring support for a class not listed on the other forms. Please be understanding in that we do not have our same number of in-person tutors participating in online tutoring, and so the subjects we can support are slightly different online vs. in the on-campus LSC.

How many times a day can I submit a question?

We ask that you limit yourself to submitting questions to each form only ONE time per hour. (So, for example, you could submit a math question and then an accounting question within the same hour, because they are separate forms--but please don't submit questions to the math form twice within a single hour.) This allows us to help as many students as possible while also ensuring that you receive help on all the questions you have.

Additionally, we ask that each time you submit a form, you ask only 1 or 2 questions. All of this helps our tutors to keep response times shorter, which means that everyone who has questions will get answers more quickly. 

Can I use a phone to fill out the form or do I have to use a computer?

You can use a phone or a computer. Actually, using a phone to fill out the form makes it especially easy to attach a photo to show a tutor what you are working on! We have made a video showing how easy this process is and you can watch it at the top of this page.

Will I be receiving live tutoring? 

If you submit your question through the regular Ask a Tutor forms above, no, the tutoring will not be live. You will submit your question and then will receive an emailed response back from a tutor later. 

If you drop in to an Ask a Tutor: Live session, yes, you will be video chatting with your tutor using Zoom.

How will I receive a response? What will the tutor’s response look like?

You will receive a response sent to the email address you provide on the form. The tutor will write up a response in a Google Doc, which will be View-only, and they will share the link to that Google Doc with you in the email they send. They will also give you instructions for how to Download or copy the Google Doc so you can save the response and copy and paste from it, if you like.

Sometimes tutors will include photos and/or videos in their responses. If you require the answer you receive from a tutor to be in an Accessible format (for use with a screenreader), please indicate that need when you are asked about the kind of response you would like to receive at the end of the form! We are happy to make sure you get the kind of response that you need.

How long will it take to receive a response?

In general, we say that you will receive a response within 24 hours. This means that while typically you will receive a response much sooner than that, it could be up to 24 hours. How long it will take depends on how busy we are, when you have submitted your question, and when we have tutors working who can answer the particular question you have.

For the most part, we find that right now we are able to respond to most questions within about 1-3 hours. Often, it will be faster than that, but you should plan to wait about that long.

I’ve received my response--why can’t I type in the Google Doc? How can I make a copy I can edit?

Our tutors’ responses are kept View-only so that nothing can accidentally get erased or changed when you receive it, which is why you won’t be able to type into the document you receive. But, you can make a copy of the document and then you can type into it, if you wish. All you have to do is click on File, and then click Make a Copy. You can then name the new copy whatever you like and it will be saved in your Google Drive. If you want to download a copy of the response to your computer, click on File, Download, and choose the file format you prefer, like Microsoft Word.

Can I ask a follow-up question about a tutor's answer?

Yes. If you have a clarifying question you would like to ask about something a tutor said in their response, please submit that through the same form as your original question. Where you would typically select "Class Name," instead select "Follow-Up Question," and then be as specific as possible about what your follow-up question is in the next sections where you describe your question. Do not reply to the email the tutor sent you, since you may be waiting quite awhile for a response depending on that tutor's work schedule. 

Only select "Follow-Up Question" if you want clarification about an answer a tutor has already given you.

What if I have a question for the Learning Support Center that isn’t about a specific class or homework question?

We welcome all questions, just as we typically would in our physical space! Please use the Other Subjects and General Questions form and we will do our best to get an answer for you or direct you to the person who will have an answer for your question.

Who is answering these questions?

Many of the tutors you used to work with at the in-person Learning Support Center are also working online to answer the questions you submit through our forms. You will likely see some familiar names answering your questions! Our tutors are a mix of current and past Edmonds College students, for the most part. 

Can I request a specific tutor to answer my questions?

At this time, no. While we can accommodate requests for particular tutors in our in-person tutoring services, because we are more limited online, we are unable to allow tutor requests.

What about eTutoring? Can I still use eTutoring to get online tutoring help?

Yes, you may still use eTutoring to receive help online, and we are directing all students who want written feedback on their writing assignments to use eTutoring. 

If you want to use eTutoring for their Live Tutoring functions, you can still do that--it's a great way to get help with classes we do not offer live tutoring for! But we do offer quite a few subjects for Live tutoring on Ask a Tutor: Live, and in general, we ask that whenever possible, you use one of our Ask a Tutor services instead of eTutoring. When you use either version of Ask a Tutor, you have the benefit of receiving help from tutors you already know and who know very well the classes you are taking here at Edmonds.