Live, drop-in video chat sessions with tutors for free. See schedule pages by clicking the day-of-the-week links below.
We offer free, live, DROP-IN video chat tutoring with tutors using Zoom! This means you do not have to make any appointments to work with tutors. You just need to find the right day and time for the class you want help with, click the button to enter the Zoom for your class, and you will immediately be placed into a waiting room to be admitted and work with one of our tutors.
Your one-on-one sessions with tutors are up to 20 minutes long (30 minutes for writing tutoring sessions). You may have multiple tutoring sessions in a day, but we will be keeping each session to 20 minutes maximum so that as many students can be helped as possible.
If you do not want live, video chat tutoring, you can submit questions for any class on the regular Ask a Tutor page.
Click on the day of the week to see subject availability and links to our Zoom rooms.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Available Classes
We do everything we can to offer you tutoring in as many subjects as possible every quarter and we keep the list below up-to-date. Read below to see what you can find help for here. If you do not want live, video chat tutoring, you can submit questions for any class on the regular Ask a Tutor page.
If you do not see the subject you need help with, or if available hours don't match
your schedule, please email
You can find help on this page for the following classes:
Accounting: 101, 201, 202, 203; American Sign Language: 121, 122; Astronomy: 110;
BSTEC: 104, 109, 129, 130, 211, 224; Business Math: 130; CIS: 100, 102, 241, 242, 250, 251;
Chemistry: 110, 121, 139, 161, 162, 163;
Computer Science: 115, 125, 131, 132, 141, 142, 143, 218, 240; Economics: 201, 202;
Engineering: 121, 214, 224; Geography: 100; Geology: 101, 103;
Math: 41-44, 47, 71-74, 81-84, 93-94, 107, 140, 141, 142, 146, 148, 151, 152, 153, 271, 272;
Management: 165, 271; Music: 101; Nutrition: 101; Philosophy: 120;
Physics: 110, 114, 221, 222, 223; Prep (Math): 46, 48;Spanish: 100, 121, 122;
Writing: Any and all writing-related questions (AENGL, ENGLP, ENGL, ELA levels 5 and 6, and any other subjects)
Try the STEM Study Room for help with Biology and Engineering classes we do not have tutors for! Check out their schedule to see when help is offered for specific subjects and then click on "Virtual Tutoring" to learn more about how to meet with a tutor.
You can find help using eTutoring for the following subjects:
Accounting, Biology (including Anatomy and Physiology), American Sign Language, Calculus, Computer Science and CIS, Economics, Intro to Engineering, Intro to Psychology, Math, Microsoft Office (BSTEC), Physics, Spanish, Web Development
How to Participate
Find the link below for the right day of the week, and once you're looking at the correct daily schedule, click the right button for your subject. You will be placed into a waiting room and then admitted into the main tutoring room. Depending on the subject and how many tutors are working and available, you may then be put into a breakout room to work privately with a tutor. All tutoring sessions are one-on-one and private.
Please remember:
- We work with students in the order that they enter the waiting room, on a first-come, first-served basis. There may be no students in line in front of you; there may be 3 students in line in front of you. Be patient!
- We are limiting our one-on-one sessions to 20 minutes at a time (30 minutes for writing tutoring sessions). This is so that every student gets a chance to work with a tutor.
- You should come to the session prepared with at least one question you want to ask the tutor and ready to engage and learn. It's a good idea to have all of the things you might need for the session (your textbook, your paper(s), your questions for the tutor, any screenshots you might want to show them) prepared in advance to maximize your time.
- Be kind to and generous with your tutor. They are doing the best they can to answer your questions. Anyone behaving inappropriately will not be allowed to continue in the session.
Announcement about Exams, Quizzes, and Projects:
Please DO NOT ask for help on quiz or exam questions or other assignments your instructors have told you not to receive outside help completing. We work with faculty to ensure students do not receive help on these assessments, and follows the Edmonds College Student Code of Conduct as it relates to Academic Dishonesty.
What if I don't have Zoom?
If you do not have Zoom downloaded to your computer, that's okay--you can use the browser version. You do not have to have a Zoom account to join in these sessions, either (though it helps!)--simply choose to join through the browser and enter your name and finish the "I am not a robot" verification process.
What if I am a student in ELA (formerly ESL) classes and want writing help?
Please note: Writing tutors currently only work with ELA (ESL) students who are enrolled in classes at levels 5 and 6. We cannot work with students who are enrolled in classes at levels 1-4.
For students in levels 5 and 6, our tutors will help you only *after* you have already received comments back from your instructor on your assignment, just the same as in our in-person writing center. Your instructors want to see the first drafts of your assignments without help from tutors, so they can assess where your writing is without receiving help.